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About KSA Universities
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to a large number of universities. KSA Universities are a popular study destination for students from inside and outside the region, as the Kingdom is characterized by an educational system that is one of the fastest-growing higher education systems in the Middle East. There are a number of world-class universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, how would a student know when and where to register?
Saudi Universities helps students find their future, we help you find the best university for you and help you register in that university.
Welcome to KSA Universities, During your time on our website, you can learn all about universities in the Kingdom, find out the dates for registration in those universities, and you can register at the university of your choice.
Latest Blog
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What is KSA Universities?
KSA Universities website provides valuable and relevant information about the various fields and specialties of Saudi universities which are of interest to high school students. It also announces University registration dates and provides the opportunity for students to register at the university in which they wish to enroll.
How to search universities?
Take a tour on our website, you will find a brief about the universities in the Kingdom listed under popular schools in KSA.
What are KSA Universities admission Requirements?
- The student must have a high school certificate.
- Non-Saudi students of Saudi mothers are regarded as Saudi students, while for foreign students, Saudi universities have allocated 5% for them.
What are the most popular fields in KSA universities?
These are the most common fields in Saudi universities, and they are arranged according to the student's desire and preferences:
Architecture and Design.
Applied Mathematics.
Are non-Saudi students accepted?
Yes, universities accept a limited number of non-Saudi students who have excelled in studies, through ministry’s scholarships to students in universities based on the number of available scholarships.